Wellness for the

Whole Community

The Camas Center Clinic, located inside the Camas Center for Community Wellness, embodies the Kalispel Tribe’s commitment to the health and well-being of the people of Pend Oreille County. As a premiere family health center, we provide comprehensive health care to everyone, both tribal members and non-tribal community members. We offer the highest level of confidential care in medical, chiropractic, dental, and behavioral health care. Please contact us regarding our physical therapy and massage services.

Common Questions

Will my insurance cover the services provided? 

The Camas Clinic is a family practice and accepts most major medical and dental insurance plans and public carriers such as Medicare, Medicaid and Basic Health and Purchased and Referred Care for Native Americans. Please contact your insurance company if you have questions about what is covered by your insurance plan.

Do I need a membership to the Camas Center For Community Wellness to use the Clinic?

No membership of any kind is required. Our physicians and medical care providers are here to meet your family’s medical needs.

Who can use the Camas Clinic’s services? 

The clinic is open to everyone, including both tribal members and non-tribal community members.

Do I need an appointment?

We ask that appointments are set in advance of coming to the clinic for any service. Same day appointments and Walk-Ins may be available; however, for your convenience and to ensure proper patient care, pre-scheduling is preferred.

What if I want to be a “walk-in” patient? 

If you need to see a health care provider on the same day we will make every effort to accommodate that, but availability is limited and advance appointments are still highly encouraged.

Do you have an emergency room?

No. Our doctors and medical providers  are able to provide same day care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses, space permitting. However, if you or someone you know has a potentially life threatening condition please call 911 immediately. 

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